
Faculty Leader: Miss V Arksey 

The key stage 3 English curriculum at Frogmore is designed to challenge, engage and nurture our students. Throughout years 7-9, students will develop the skills they need to tackle difficult and inspiring texts with confidence and certainty. Our priority at key stage 3 is to encourage a love of reading and writing, developing the crucial skills they will need as they continue to key stage 4. 

Our students are assessed without levels at key stage 3 and are encouraged to take responsibility for their own progression through our reading and writing assessment criteria.

At Frogmore, we very much believe in the importance of a challenging and diverse key stage 3 curriculum which allows students to enjoy English whilst striving to meet a high level of challenge. We feel, wholeheartedly, that the time students have at key stage 3 is essential for embedding skills and encouraging a love for the subject, without the need for excessive references to their subsequent exams at GCSE.

For more detailed information about the curriculum for every year and how parents can support, please see the following curriculum maps:


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Further information about the English curriculum at key stage 4

KS3 English Reading List

KS4 English Reading List


  • "Everyone is welcome and included in everything.” Oliver, Y9
  • “I feel comfortable talking to teachers or adults around school about my worries.” Connie, Y10
  • “The best things about being at Frogmore is the tutor groups, as you get to be around older and younger years to get and give advice.” Georgia, Y8
  • “Every member of staff cares.”  Oliver, Y8
  • “All the teachers help push you to the best of your ability.”  Chloe, Y8
  • “I think the best thing about Frogmore Community College is that the teachers are always there to help and your voice is heard by them.” Mollie, Y8
  • “The teachers are always helpful in lesson and will always help when you don't understand.”  Madison, Y9
  • “The environment is well cared for and the school is diverse and inclusive.” Serynna, Y8
  • “I think that the one of the best things is the diverse range of subjects.”  Hiba, Y7
  • “I feel happy and positive every day when I am at school.”  Jake, Y7