Year 7 Admissions 2026
Applying for a place into Year 7 for September 2026
Admissions Policy for September 2026 to August 2027
- The admissions policy for entry between 1st September 2026 and 31st August 2027 was approved by the WMAT Trustees on 3rd February 2025.
- Our admissions policy is reviewed annually and can be found at the bottom of this page.
How to apply
- Applications for secondary school places must be made between 1st September and 31st October each year.
- You can list your preferences, and places will be allocated based on the Hampshire equal preference system.
- To apply online, visit Hampshire County Council Admissions.
Missed the deadline?
- If you did not apply between 1st September and 31st October, please contact your Home Local Authority to submit a late application or contact the school directly on the details below.
Number of places available
- For September 2026 entry, Frogmore Community College will offer 145 places.
- Children with an Education, Health, and Care Plan (EHCP) that names Frogmore Community College will be given priority. This may reduce the number of available places accordingly.
Important dates & deadlines
- 1st March 2026: If you applied on time (by 31st October 2025), you will receive a notification from your Home Local Authority about the outcome of your application.
Need more guidance?
For any questions or guidance regarding the admissions process, please contact: Frogmore Community College admissions officer, Gill Henden via reception 01252 408444
or by emailing or the WMAT Admissions Officer, Liz Crosby 01252 900550 or
Frogmore Community College is part of the Weydon Multi Academy Trust (WMAT). To view the Weydon Multi Academy Trust Admissions Policy click here.
We look forward to welcoming your child to Frogmore Community College!
Frogmore Admissions Policy 2026 - 2027
Frogmore SIF for Exceptional Circumstances
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