For a student to reach their full educational achievement a high level of school attendance is essential.
At our school, we are dedicated to delivering a high-quality education for all students in an environment where they feel valued and welcomed. We recognize that the partnership between students, parents, and staff plays a crucial role in our school's success.
We were pleased to be acknowledged by the Fischer Family Trust (FFT) as being among the top 25% of schools for attendance during the first term of the 2023/24 academic year. The FFT is an independent, non-profit organization that provides data analysis and performance benchmarking for schools across the UK. This recognition means that our school has demonstrated exceptionally strong student attendance compared to national benchmarks, reflecting our commitment to student engagement, effective attendance policies, strong parental support, and a positive learning environment. High attendance ensures students maximize their learning opportunities and develop good habits for the future.
Reporting student absences
If your child is unable to attend school due to illness, medical appointments, or any other reason, please notify the school on the first day of absence. You can do this by calling 01252 408444 and selecting option 1. If calling before 8:15 AM, you may leave a message on the answerphone. If we do not receive notification of your child’s absence, the school will contact you directly.
For absences exceeding one day, please email for the attention of Mrs Lauren Grimes, providing a reason for your child’s absence.
For medical appointments, the school must be informed in advance. Please notify us in writing at Students must sign in and out at reception when arriving late or leaving early for an appointment.
Punctuality expectations
Punctuality is essential for academic success. Morning registration is at 8:45 AM.
If your child is late, they must sign in at reception and provide a valid reason. Students who arrive late are required to complete a Reason for Lateness form and submit it the same day. Failure to do so will result in an after-school detention, and a copy of the form will be sent to parents. Repeated lateness (ten instances of unauthorised lateness) may lead to a Penalty Notice being issued.
Leave of absence requests
If your child requires time off during the school term for an exceptional reason, a Leave of Absence Request Form must be collected from reception or downloaded from the school website. Requests should be submitted at least two weeks in advance to the Attendance and Welfare Officer.
Approval for leave of absence is at the Headteacher’s discretion and will only be granted in exceptional circumstances. Family holidays during term time will not be authorised and may result in a Penalty Notice. Parents are encouraged to review the school’s term dates, available on the website, before booking holidays.
Request for Authorised Absence Form
Leave of absence Policy
Frogmore Infant and Junior Schools, Hawley and Potley Hill Primary Schools, and Frogmore Community College have collaborated to establish a consistent Leave of Absence Policy to minimise learning disruption.
- Leave of absence may be authorised in extenuating circumstances for a maximum of five days.
- Requests will not be approved if the student, or a sibling, has an attendance record below the school’s target over the past 12 months.
- Leave will not be granted at key points in a student’s school career.
- Schools will coordinate with each other to ensure a consistent approach for families with siblings at different institutions.
We understand that unforeseen circumstances may arise, and we are committed to working with families and partner schools in such cases. However, the Headteacher’s decision on all leave requests is final.
We appreciate the support of parents and carers in maintaining high standards of attendance and punctuality.