Modern Languages

Faculty Leader: Miss V Arksey

Subject Leader Modern Foreign Languages: Mrs K Peddie 

Modern Languages at Frogmore:

As part of the communications faculty, we are passionate about promoting modern languages and encouraging students to become lifelong language learners, starting with a strong foundation in both French and German.  Through focusing on the skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing, students become confident communicators, whilst developing an appreciation of other people and their cultures.


All students start with learning French in the September of year 7, with an introduction to the language and culture, building on basic vocabulary and structures.  Communication is key and from the start of their language learning journey, students focus on pronunciation and speaking skills using our structured sentence builders.  From February of year 7, the focus changes to German, which gives students the opportunity to experience the contrasting challenges of a Germanic language.  By the end of year 7, students will be able to state their language preference for years 8 and 9 and potentially GCSE.

In years 8 and 9, students continue with either French or German and gradually build on their knowledge of vocabulary and structures, covering transactional language and developing an awareness of tenses in preparation for KS4.  Again, we use sentence builders to develop confidence in speaking and writing.  Cultural aspects of both countries are studied to enable students to broaden their horizons and look beyond their own experiences.  

The Curriculum at Key Stage 4:

It is optional to study a language GCSE at Frogmore. We follow the AQA course for both French and German, which enables students to improve their skills in listening, reading, writing and speaking.

The course is designed to consolidate the students’ key stage 3 knowledge, whilst introducing global issues along with more complex grammar.

Subject Enrichment:

German Club, Young Interpreters, Various Trips.

For more detailed information about the curriculum for every year and how parents can support, please see the following curriculum maps:

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Further information:

GCSE French

GCSE German



  • "Everyone is welcome and included in everything.” Oliver, Y9
  • “I feel comfortable talking to teachers or adults around school about my worries.” Connie, Y10
  • “The best things about being at Frogmore is the tutor groups, as you get to be around older and younger years to get and give advice.” Georgia, Y8
  • “Every member of staff cares.”  Oliver, Y8
  • “All the teachers help push you to the best of your ability.”  Chloe, Y8
  • “I think the best thing about Frogmore Community College is that the teachers are always there to help and your voice is heard by them.” Mollie, Y8
  • “The teachers are always helpful in lesson and will always help when you don't understand.”  Madison, Y9
  • “The environment is well cared for and the school is diverse and inclusive.” Serynna, Y8
  • “I think that the one of the best things is the diverse range of subjects.”  Hiba, Y7
  • “I feel happy and positive every day when I am at school.”  Jake, Y7