
At Frogmore Community College we believe that valuable learning also takes place outside the classroom.

Staff at the school go above and beyond to put on a broad range of extra-curricular and enrichment activities.

These are typically run after school or at lunch time. The school also organises a wide range of off-site visits, including residential and overseas visits. A particular highlight is the year 7 camping trip to Tile Barn in the New Forest.

On this page you will find information about the clubs and enrichment activities that happen each term. We will endeavour to keep this list up to date, but it may be subject to change. Staff running activities will communicate directly with students about the activities and ParentMail will be used to keep parents updated.


Programme of Extra-curricular Activities 



  • "Everyone is welcome and included in everything.” Oliver, Y9
  • “I feel comfortable talking to teachers or adults around school about my worries.” Connie, Y10
  • “The best things about being at Frogmore is the tutor groups, as you get to be around older and younger years to get and give advice.” Georgia, Y8
  • “Every member of staff cares.”  Oliver, Y8
  • “All the teachers help push you to the best of your ability.”  Chloe, Y8
  • “I think the best thing about Frogmore Community College is that the teachers are always there to help and your voice is heard by them.” Mollie, Y8
  • “The teachers are always helpful in lesson and will always help when you don't understand.”  Madison, Y9
  • “The environment is well cared for and the school is diverse and inclusive.” Serynna, Y8
  • “I think that the one of the best things is the diverse range of subjects.”  Hiba, Y7
  • “I feel happy and positive every day when I am at school.”  Jake, Y7